AMOLED Panel Market to Grow 40 Percent in 2016, According to UBI Research

According to UBI Research, AMOLED panel market is projected to reach US$ 15 billion in 2016, which is a growth of about 40% from the more than $10 Billion market in 2015. In terms of the number of units, UBI Research predicts that the projected 270 million units of AMOLED panels shipped in 2016 will have increased 16 percent compared to about 230 million units for 2015.
Additionally, UBI says the AMOLED market could again show sharp increases in 2016.

UBI Research pointed out that “Samsung Electronics is actively selecting AMOLED panel for mainstream models of Galaxy and the demand for AMOLED panel by Chinese set companies is also increasing. Additionally, Apple’s application of flexible AMOLED panel for iPhone is becoming more concrete, and OLED TV sales is gradually increasing. As such LCD will be slowly replaced.”

UBI Research - AMOLED Panel Market Forecast for 2016-2020

UBI Research anticipates that the mobile device market will need about 500K flexible AMOLED panels per month until 2020. UBI also expects mobile device companies to actively invest in AMOLEDs.

The AMOLED market growth staggered momentarily in 2015. However, UBI says that because of the increasing demand for mainstream AMOLED panels and flexible AMOLED panels, the overall AMOLED market grew by a large margin by the end of 2015. Accordingly, Apple is expected to invest in flexible AMOLED panel applications for the iPhone and Samsung Electronics is also expected to invest in flexible AMOLED panels. UBI Research also predicts that panel companies in China, Japan, and Taiwan will invest in flexible AMOLED panels, bringing energy into stagnated OLED-related display market. UBI projects a $67 billion AMOLED market by the end of 2020.

UBI forecasts that the total AMOLED market will reach about US$ 67 billion in 2020 with CAGR of about 46 percent between 2016 and 2020. Smartphone makers are expected to begin adopting flexible AMOLED panels over the next few years.

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